This past Tuesday was lead singer Robert Plant’s birthday (he’s 76), so it seemed fitting to create this liturgy inspired by the songs of Led Zeppelin. It also seemed fitting, because why the hell not?
Morning Prayers
Glory to the Father of the four winds, who fills our sails
As we cross the sea of years.
Glory to the Son, who crossed the sea as we do.
Glory to the Spirit, who joins us in the crossing.
Prayer of the Two Paths
God who walks among us,
There are two paths we can go by:
The first, the path of self-serving behaviour,
Of greed, of selfish gain,
Of egocentric ambition,
Of thoughtless disregard for others;
The second, the path of love for our neighbours,
Of service, of generous hands,
Of an altruistic posture,
Of attention to the good of the other.
There's time to change the road we're on,
Yet we would wish to choose the true path
And to remain on it,
Today and in the days to come.
Show us the way.
Personal prayers for others
As many of these scripture readings as you like can be read throughout the week. Since you won’t be tested on them, feel free to skip any if you prefer to read just a few or even one passage slowly and contemplatively.
Old Testament: Genesis 12:10-20
Psalms: Psalms 16 and 17
Gospel: Mark 4:35-41, 5:1-20
Epistle: Galatians 2:11–21
Prayer for Good Times and Bad
Good times and bad times –
We've had our share of both.
In the good times,
Your grace rests upon us
To enjoy a lightness of being,
Loads which are easy to carry,
And all seems united by simplicity.
And in the bad times,
Your grace attends us none the less,
To sit with us, weep with us,
To brace us to endure,
And strength and resilience evolves.
Should today bring good times or bad,
Grant us grace yet again
To embrace what is worthy to embrace,
To accept what is necessary to accept,
To learn what is wise to learn,
And to perceive your presence in the vital moments.
Personal prayers for today
Our Father
Our Father in heaven,
Holy is your name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done,
Here and now, as it is in heaven.
Give to us today's bread,
And deliver us from the wrong we've done,
As we release those who wrong us,
And do not bring us not into the test,
But rescue us from evil.
Evening Prayers
Glory to the Father of the four winds, who fills our sails
As we cross the sea of years.
Glory to the Son, who crossed the sea as we do.
Glory to the Spirit, who joins us in the crossing.
Prayer of We the Travellers
God of all eras, years and days:
We are travellers of both time and space.
We walk through our days and months and years.
We move from home to work and home again.
We see the sun beat down upon our faces,
We feel the coldness of our winters.
We journey with family and friends and with others.
As we travel tomorrow's roads,
As we pass the hours and the occasions that come,
May our eyes be open to all that is good,
May our paths lead to flourishing,
For ourselves and for those who share those paths.
Personal prayers for tomorrow, and prayers for others
Prayer of Thoughts Misgiven
Lord of all,
With each passing day,
We look at the world,
Where sorrow and hatred so often rule,
Where war is the common cry,
Where the night is long,
Where the beads of time pass slow.
We look to the east,
We look to the west,
And our spirits cry for leaving.
We believe a new day will dawn
For all who stand long,
For all who persist –
A day where all wars will cease,
A day where hatred will dissipate,
A day where sorrow will be comforted,
A day where the mountains will sing
And the forests will echo with laughter.
Lord of all, may that day come soon!
Our Father
Our Father in the heavens,
May your name be hallowed.
Let your kingdom come to the earth,
So that your will is done as it is in heaven.
Give to us today's bread,
And forgive us our wrongs,
As we forgive those who wrong us,
And do not bring us not into the test,
But rescue us from evil.
May you be held now within the knowing.
May you rest now within the peace.
May you hear the music of the divine around you
As you pass the minutes and hours and days.
image sources
- Zoso Square Layout: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)
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