Category: Christian History
Female Submission: Let’s Stop Doing as the Romans Do
When it comes to the position of women in complementarian and fundamentalist circles, we think and act a lot less like Christians and a lot more like Romans.
The Kingdom Series: Wake the Hell Up to the Kingdom of Heaven
You won’t find the Kingdom through the scope of a gun, but in the firing line. In the margins and the unseen dimensions of the world.
Is It O.K. to Panic Now?
Facing a potentially unsettling four years, early Christian monasticism provides lessons on how to respond.
The Voice of the People is the Voice of God?
God doesn’t manufacture political results. Nor is God aloof. But He wants us speak with His voice.
No King but Caesar?
Our collusions with power throughout history aren’t exactly Christianity’s ‘Greatest Hits’. What would it look like to follow our true master and not the various ‘Caesars’ of our era?