Category: Gender
Female Submission: Let’s Stop Doing as the Romans Do
When it comes to the position of women in complementarian and fundamentalist circles, we think and act a lot less like Christians and a lot more like Romans.
Ladies, Front and Centre
If we aren’t listening [to the New Testament evidence] by now, then I’m forced to wonder if we’re simply unfamiliar with this material, or hopelessly stubborn in our intellectually lazy appeals to the same few proof texts, or spineless because we recognise the power of the biblical evidence, but fear inviting controversy in our churches…
So You Think They’re Overreacting?
The president’s arrogance towards women deserves this reaction. And if you want to argue that point with a few million women – well, good luck, but don’t expect my help.
It’s a Man’s World – But Should it Be?
It’s high time the church to get in step with the Spirit and honour apostolic, pastoral and prophetic gifts in women.